Autumn Antics

Date posted: 22 May 2020

The Little Sprouts Kitchen Garden has been the subject of lots of autumn activity of late!

Our horticultural staff and trainee gardeners have been busy in this ever-changing space with plantings of lettuce, kohlrabi, broccoli, cabbage, dill and other winter vegetables taking place.

The carrots are growing steadily and the children who attend future Little Sprouts sessions will take delight in harvesting carrots of all different colours!

The citrus have benefited from regular irrigation over the summer period and the navel orange is now producing superb fruit.

However, white fly has been a recurring problem in the garden, especially on the mature kale and walking stick cabbage.

Autumn Antics

To combat white fly, we use organic treatments - a mixture of olive oil, detergent and water. Only small quantities are needed and you may also mix in a little lemon juice. This is sprayed on the underside of the leaves. Another alternative is a blast of high pressure water from a hose done frequently.

We are already planting our seeds for our late winter and spring plantings, but more on this later.

If you are looking to get out and about during this beautiful time of year, pop in to the Little Sprouts Kitchen Garden – it is looking fantastic with so much to see!

If you do stop by, please remember to follow all hygiene and social distancing regulations to help #stopthespread of COVID-19.

  • keep a 1.5m distance from other people
  • practice good hygiene and
  • if feeling unwell, please stay home.

Happy Sprouting!

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If you would like to find out more about COVID-19, please visit or call the Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

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