What’s beautiful now?

Hakeas and Banksias

The uniquely Australian Hakeas and Banksias can be found throughout Wittunga. There are over 140 species in the Hakea genus and around 170 in the Banksia genus, with both having characteristic flowers. Keep an eye out for the vibrant yellow and red Heath Banksia (Banksia ericfolia), Golden Stalk Banksia (Banksia media), and the pale Dyandra-leafed Banksia (Banksia dryandroides), which flower from June to October.

Myrtaceae (Australian Myrtles)

The family Myrtaceae is Australia’s largest plant family. Related genera grown at Wittunga include the grand Agonis, bright red Bottlebrush (Calothamnus), Tea tree (Leptospermum) and Paperbark (Melaleuca).

Terrace Beds

Originally developed by Keith Ashby, this is a collection of hardy South African and Australian shrubs, including the Garden’s principal collection of Proteaceae. The only remaining old fruit trees in this area are two Japanese Persimmon (Diospyros kaki), a favourite food source for local wildlife, and a Cherry Plum Tree (Prunus cerasifera). The Terrace Beds are a riot of colour in spring, with flowering shrubs, Ericas, annuals and herbaceous perennials becoming show-stoppers.

Maluka Beds

Built in the early 1920s, Edwin Ashby developed the raised sandy garden beds to promote drainage and replicate growing conditions he’d seen in Western Australia. They were initially developed to support Australian natives, but other species such as succulents and cacti thrive here year-round. Learn more

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