Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Masterplan

From December 2019 - February 2020, we sought community feedback on how to improve the visitor experience and the amenities at Mount Lofty Botanic Garden, while maintaining a site for horticultural excellence in growing, displaying and conserving plants.

The proposed changes were outlined in an updated Masterplan for Mount Lofty Botanic Garden, and shared via YourSAy and at community meetings.

Community feedback was incorporated into the Masterplan which has now been finalised and will help guide future investment in the site.

Upgrades will include:

  • Additional overflow car parking to cater for increased autumn and spring visitation.
  • New public toilets
  • Improved way-finding signage
  • Upgraded walking trails.

Pending funding, additional upgrades will include:

  • A new visitor and educational hub
  • A new horticulture and conservation hub.

To find out more about the proposed upgrades, visit YourSAy.

You can read the final Masterplan here.

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