Catalogue of Plants

The online Catalogue of Plants allows the public to see details of the entire living collections at Adelaide, Mount Lofty and Wittunga Botanic Gardens.

Below you'll find some search tips when using the Catalogue.

Access the online Catalogue of Plants now.

Use botanical terminology where possible

It's helpful to your search results to use botanical terminology where you can. Unlike common names, botanical names are unique to individual taxa, and you should search for taxon by its botanical name to avoid confusion with search results.

Sometimes you might not know a botanical name or you might only know part of the name - the Catalogue will provide you with a list of possible matches as you type, regardless of what part of a name you're typing.

We've included as many common names as we can, but it's impossible to identify and include all of them. If one common name doesn't yield any results try some others.


The Catalogue has a number of features to try and identify synonyms and match their accepted names, but if you know a taxon has been reclassified you should search for all known names.

Range and origin searches

Sometimes you might need to find all plants native to a region or country. You can search for this information using natural phrases.

The following examples show the kinds of searching you might like to take advantage of:

plants from south australia or new south wales
plants native to brazil
myrtaceae from kangaroo island
swainsona or indigofera from australia

You don't have to get to fixated on the format of your search, but you should try to stick with natural sentence structures. Of course, the example searches above will also work as:

plants endemic to new south wales, south australia
plants from brazil
kangaroo island myrtaceae
swainsona indigofera australia

Don't worry too much about spelling

The Catalogue of Plants Online has algorithms designed to help you find what you're looking for, even if you've got a spelling mistake or two. Likewise, searching for "myrtaceae" is the same as searching for "Myrtaceae".

Sorting results

Each of the four columns in search results, Name, Adelaide, Mount Lofty and Wittunga, are sortable. Click on the heading to sort by ascending or descending order.

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