What a spring we had!

Date posted: 03 December 2020

The vegetables and flowers in the garden have all grown at an incredible rate over the last few months.

Schools, kindergartens and child care groups harvested over 500 lettuces, as well as many beetroot, kale stalks and carrots!

The carrots have been a big hit with the mixed colours proving to be a delight to the children who harvested them.

We were excited to welcome a reception class from St Francis Xavier’s who planted giant pumpkin seedlings! The secret is in the soil, so we prepared the plot over winter with plenty of chook manure, worm castings and organic fertilizer.

There are huge leaves already and will require a lot of water over the next few months. As the plants grow we are making more space by removing some of the flowering plants surrounding them.

Who knows, we may even have a world record-breaking pumpkin! If not, we know that some of the animals at Adelaide Zoo enjoy the pumpkins as a form of entertainment. See what the lions thought of them here!

If you would like to see our giant pumpkins growing, they are near the fruit tree espalier next to the shaded area.

What a spring we had!
What a spring we had!
What a spring we had!

On another note, it’s not too late to tidy up your citrus trees. You can prune them to give shape, remove branches that are rubbing together and keep the height down.

If you want to get in on the kitchen action, enrol your class in 2021. Bookings are now open, and it’s always a wonderful day of learning for the children.

Keep sprouting!


Kitchen Garden Educator

What a spring we had!

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