Harvesting sweet corn

Date posted: 24 November 2014

In the City Crop we’re growing a special type of heirloom sweet corn called True Gold.

True Gold takes 14 weeks, or 98 days, to reach maturity which is why we’re holding Harvest Day on 1 February 2015, exactly 14 weeks after planting.

As well as tracking recommended maturity times it’s important to check each cob before harvesting.

On Harvest Day our volunteer farmers will help us check the cobs to make sure we only pick those that are ready to eat.

Whether you’re joining us in Adelaide Botanic Garden or harvesting your own sweet corn at home there’s a few things to look for.

How to identify ripe corn cobs –

  • Check the silks, they should be brown and starting to wither
  • Touch the cobs, they should feel plump and firm
  • Test a kernel, it should be soft and when pricked the juice should be milky and white
  • Check the end of the cob, it should be full of kernels
  • Look at the plant, the cobs should tilt away from the stalk

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