Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Nursery

Date posted: 13 June 2014

Located behind the scenes in Mount Lofty Botanic Garden the Nursery produces thousands of plants every year for Adelaide’s three Botanic Gardens. The Nursery team use a variety of propagation techniques creating plants from seeds, cuttings, bulbs and other plant parts. While you might not be able to see the Nursery, you benefit from the hard work of the team every time you visit Adelaide, Mount Lofty or Wittunga Botanic Garden.

The staff in the Nursery have been very busy, last week three truckloads of plants were dispatched to Adelaide’s Botanic Gardens. Wittunga’s delivery included red-fruit saw-sedge (Gahnia sieberiana), slender honeymyrtle (Melaleuca gibbosa), white goodenia (Goodenia albiflora), and muntries (Kunzea pomifera), which will be planted by ground staff and a group of volunteers who love lending a hand each week.

Adelaide Botanic Garden received two truckloads of plants which will be planted by Certificate Three Horticulture students in the Economic Garden and Garden of Health. This delivery included white sage (Salvia apiana), holy flax (Santolina rosmarinifolia), and greek sage (Salvia fruiticosa). The Woodland Garden in Mount Lofty Botanic Garden will also benefit from a large delivery of plants.

Another job keeping the team busy is a number of hydrangeas that are being propagated from pruning cuttings.

As you can see there’s always something happening in the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Nursery, stay up to date with our blog for all the latest news.

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