Plant of the week: Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance'

Date posted: 29 May 2015

Taking 30 years of development, becoming the first plant to win an Australian Business Award (Best New Product, 2011), and with an entrancing scent, Daphne ‘Eternal Fragrance’ is one unique plant.

Created by renowned English plant breeder, Robin White, this hybrid was made by controlled pollination activities between Daphne caucasica (female parent) and Daphne collina (male parent), and it was fine-tuned over 30 years.

The result is a brilliant plant that is hardy and tolerant of a range of conditions – not to mention with a delicate perfume lasting many months of the year.

It also repeat flowers over long periods, according to Botanic Gardens of South Australia Nursery Curator, Matt Coulter.

“One of the observations in the nursery this year was that as soon as one flush was finishing, the next flush was beginning,” Matt said.

“We’ve planted out many hundreds of this hybrid at both Mount Lofty Botanic Garden (predominantly) and Adelaide Botanic Garden (a small amount). At Mount Lofty you’ll see it planted as informal hedges, while at Adelaide it’s in the perfume plant beds adjacent to the Economic Garden. It’s a great new introduction to our collections.”

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