The latest from the Amorphophallus Palace

Date posted: 09 November 2017

It's been a while since we've had any Amorphophallus updates from Mount Lofty Botanic Garden's Nursery (aka the Amorphophallus Palace!), but with a couple of new blooms and the chance of another Corpse Flower this summer - we thought it was about time.

New kids on the block

Earlier this spring we had a slender, sweet-smelling (for a change!) aroid, Amorphophallus croatii, flower and we captured the below timelapse.

This plant's native to Laos and was first described in 2006.

“Amorphophallus croatii timelapse

More recently Amorphophallus longituberosus, native to Thailand, Malaya and Bangladesh, graced us with a flower - we'll hopefully bring you some imagery soon.

Another Corpse Flower?

Meantime, the corms (the swollen underground plant stem) of several of our rockstars - Amorphophallus titanum - are now the largest they've ever been (fun fact: the Amorphophallus titanum corm is the largest in the world, some weighing around 100 kilograms!).

These specimens are currently dormant, or going through a resting phase, but when they're ready they could either produce a massive leaf or a stinky flower (read more about the plant's life cycle here).

If one of these guys does produce a Corpse Flower this summer, it'll be our first since Ganteng flowered in Adelaide Botanic Garden's Bicentennial Conservatory on 3 January 2017.

Cross your fingers for us and keep an eye on our Facebook page for more updates.

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