Planning your visit

We highly recommend you read the following documents. They will help you plan your visit and ensure the best possible experience and learning outcomes:

Schools Education Teacher Information

Risk Management Guidelines for Teachers

COVID-19 safety measures

The safety and wellbeing of our visitors, volunteers and staff remains our highest priority and, in welcoming school groups, we are implementing COVID-19 compliant protocols to offer a safe and fun experience for all groups that attend our programs.

Measures include:

  • Group sizes of approximately 20 are ideal (maximum 30 students) to ensure physical distancing can be adhered to while not impacting on the quality of the learning experience
  • Practicing of good hygiene before, during and after sessions
  • Adults and students must continue to maintain physical distance (1.5m) and density requirements
  • Attending teachers and supervisors will be required to play an active role in managing these measures
  • Adults must all complete a COVIDSafe check-in process, either through the supplied QR code or manual sign-in sheet.
  • In the event SA Health must make contact for contact tracing purposes, the supervising teacher must have easy access to a list of all students attending the visit, including their primary caregiver’s contact phone number. Student information does not need to be supplied to Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium Education team, but should be retained by the supervising teacher.

Class groups and supervision

Remember there are a maximum of 30 students for educator led programs. Bring enough adults to ensure student safety.

For the best quality experience for the children and highest safety standards, the Department for Education has recommended the following ratios:

• Kindergarten to Year 2 - 1:6

• Year 3 to Year 7 - 1:10

• Year 8 to Year 12 - 1:15

Please note: Students, teachers and supervisors must not attend if they are unwell. In the event that one of our Botanic Garden staff members is feeling unwell on the day of your visit, the staff member will be required to stay home. This is to ensure that no students or adults from your school are placed at risk. If this occurs, we will work with you to provide an alternative to your booked session.

Please click here for a map of Adelaide Botanic Garden
Please click here for a map of Mount Lofty Botanic Garden
Please click here for a map of Wittunga Botanic Garden

The Botanic Garden's Schools Education Program is supported by the Department for Education.

Department for Education and Child Development logo

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